Category: Uncategorized


Worked in the UK? Take action now on National Insurance to enhance your State Pension entitlements. Are You Eligible for a UK State Pension? If you’ve worked in the UK, you may qualify for a UK state pension even if you’re currently living abroad. The UK state pension is a valuable benefit, providing financial support […]

Modern Retirement

In our previous newsletter, we talked about the latest trends in retirement here in Australia, including the sheer numbers of Baby Boomers retiring this decade, along with the policy responses from government and financial institutions. In this article, we want to address some of the non-financial considerations, which may help you make a success of […]

Digital Signatures and Cyber Security

Did you know that authenticated digital signatures can be more secure than handwritten ones? Talk to us about using encrypted signatures for business documents. We’ll help with simple tips to keep your business cyber-safe while increasing efficiency. Authenticated digital signatures can be a valuable part of your cyber security approach. They are more efficient than […]

Business plant and equipment: Buy or lease?

Buying vs leasing – which one is best for business equipment and plant? How can you figure out the best choice for your situation? When your business needs new plant or equipment, what’s the best choice – buy or lease? The answer will depend on your specific circumstances, but there are some basic considerations that […]

New accountability measures proposed for ABN holders

ABN holders will now be required to be more accountable and comply with income tax return obligations in order to keep their registration. Originally announced in the 2018–19 Federal Budget, and now set out in draft legislation, are newly introduced accountability measures for ABN holders. Once in effect, this will mean you will have to: […]

The importance of goodwill in your business

Building goodwill in your business adds to its value. And potentially gives you a competitive advantage. We’ve got 5 key ways to improve goodwill in your business, and how this adds to the value of your company. Goodwill in accounting refers to the intangible value that a company can hold, above and beyond the pure […]

5 goal-setting tips for 2023

Effective goal setting will help you get the very best out of 2023. Our 5 goal-setting tips will help small business owners reach new highs. Whether you want to grow your business or take more time for yourself, these goal-setting tips can help you achieve your long-term plans. Think big! – What do you want from […]

Why financial success isn’t just a numbers game!

Money, finances, investments… it is easy to see why, logically, financial success could be considered a numbers game. However, real financial success requires much more than just numbers that work. It also requires passion, interest, determination, commitment, perseverance, optimism, resilience and more. This is why mindset is such a critical ingredient to the financial success […]

5 tips to manage your debt

Christmas is a time of year where peoples’ spending habits – and approach to debt – can really trip them up. If you’re hoping to turn over a new leaf in 2023, here are some tips for managing debt. Aside from general spending and consumer debt, last years’ mortgage rate rises have also turned up […]

Key numbers to focus on in your business now

What are the key reports to focus on in your business? We’ll show you how to track performance, take action and prepare your company for surviving the new business normal.   As a business owner, it’s never been more important to have a good grasp on your finances. For many businesses, priorities have changed, customer […]

How profit sharing can help your business retain talent

Retain staff and attract new talent with profit sharing – it’s a win-win way to incentivise your team and build your business. In a tough labour market, finding talent is a challenge – so it’s especially important to retain your good workers. NZ company Mainfreight has had a bumper couple of years; the transport and […]

Is ‘just-in-time’ (JIT) manufacturing dead?

Is just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing dead? We’ll help you breathe new life into your processes and find ways you can save costs and improve cashflow. Just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing has been a key model in high-volume manufacturing industries for many decades. But the current supply chain crisis is becoming an increasing challenge for many manufacturers. With JIT […]

Bringing your cashflow processes into the digital age

When economic times are tough, it helps to be in control of your cashflow. We explain how to improve your cashflow – and how this helps you run your business through tough times. Keeping on top of your cashflow is even more important during tough economic times. With a global slowdown on the cards, energy […]

ATO Debt Recovery and Director Penalty Notices

The ATO is resuming debt recovery action and issuing director penalty notices. If you’ve received a DPN letter about personal liability for business debt, talk to us so we can help manage your finances and your business ops can continue uninterrupted.   The ATO has increased its activity around recovering unpaid business debts. During the […]

GST on Business Purchases from Overseas

Does your business buy products and services from overseas suppliers? If so, you may be charged GST, but not always! We can review your accounts and software tax codes to make sure GST claims on overseas purchases are correct. Does your business buy products and services from overseas suppliers? If so, you may be charged […]

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