Jobsaver 2021

Applications are now open for the 2021 JobSaver

These are fortnightly payments to help maintain employee headcount (as at 13 July 2021) and provide cashflow support to businesses.

How much

  • Employing businesses: 40% of weekly payroll, with a minimum payment of $1,500 per week and a maximum payment of $10,000 per week
  • Non-employing business: $1,000 per week.


  • An active ABN with a business operating in NSW as at 1 June 2021
  • Annual turnover between $75,000 and $50 million for the year ended 30 June 2020
  • A revenue decline of 30% or more over a minimum 2-week period (commenced 26th June and due to end 30 July 2021), compared to the same period in 2019
  • For employing businesses, maintain your employee headcount on 13 July 2021 while you continue to receive JobSaver payments
  • For non-employing businesses, show that the business is your primary income source for the associated person. If you have more than one non-employing business, you can only claim payments for one business

The Detail

  • Fortnightly payments will be paid and backdated from week 4 of lockdown (18th July onwards)
  • Payments will be automatic on a fortnightly basis
  • Businesses that have applied and are eligible for the 2021 COVID-19 business grant will generally be automatically eligible for JobSaver but must provide further information on employee headcount and payroll – when you apply for the program it will prefill with your previously reported information and you can add additional details.
  • Eligible businesses can use JobSaver to cover business costs incurred from 18 July 2021. These costs include:
    • Wages and salaries
    • Utilities and rent
    • Financial, legal or other advice
    • Marketing and communications
    • Perishable goods
    • Other business costs
  • Weekly payroll is determined by the most recent BAS provided to ATO prior to 26 June 2021 and the amount reported at W1 with some amounts deducted:
    • Amounts paid to contractors under voluntary withholding
    • Interstate wages
  • Businesses that do not submit a BAS or have no W1 amount should use total wages during the month of April or May 2021
    • That amount should be divided by the number of days in the month and multiplied by 7 to get weekly payroll amount
  • Businesses must maintain employee headcount on 13 July
    • Maintain their Employee Headcount means the employer will not take active steps to end the employment relationship with their employees. Employees who have been stood down under the Fair Work Act 2009 or take leave without pay are considered employees for the purpose of headcount. Businesses will remain eligible if their employee headcount declines for reasons outside the control of the employer, for example if employees voluntarily resign
  • Employees can receive Commonwealth Covid-19 Disaster payments if their employer is receiving JobSaver
  • Non employing businesses are not eligible if individuals associated with and deriving income from the business, have received the Commonwealth Cov-19 disaster payment since 18 July 2021
  • Payroll means the Australian Tax Office (ATO) concept of total salary, wages and other payments, as declared at W1 in a Business Activity Statement (BAS) with respect to the payments made for employees that usually worked, or were based, in New South Wales.

There may be circumstances where a business may not meet the eligibility criteria and supporting evidence requirements, but still may be eligible for JobSaver. These circumstances include

  • Businesses not operating for the full year to 30 June 2020 (new businesses)
  • Businesses affect by drought, bushfires or other natural disasters
  • business acquisition, disposal, or business restructure that has impacted the business’ turnover
  • a sole trader or small partnership impacted by sickness, injury or leave

Businesses in these circumstances should contact Service NSW to determine if an alternate comparison period, or alternative supporting evidence, can be applied.

Detailed guidelines can be found at Service NSW:


Applications are also now open for the Micro-Business Grant. Click through for more information. 


Service NSW Useful Information and Links 

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