
Most business owners look at cash in the bank and sales to understand if they are making money. This is OK if you’re just starting up, but if you are growing quickly or you’ve got employees, you need to get your head around costs, commission payments and cashflow. To do this you need to be able to interpret financial reports – this is where an accountant can assist you.

The AGS Bookkeeping service can provide you with the following benefits:

  • Make sure you are set up properly and receive the training that you need
  • Give you back valuable time that can be spent on what you do best
  • Access to the latest technology which gives you real time access to the financial performance of your business
  • Expertise of professionals who work in your industry everyday of the week
  • Save money – as you won’t need to hire a part time bookkeeper or a full time “jack of all trades” office staff member

What you get and why it is important…

  • You receive cloud accounting software set up, training and support.
  • You can view your financials live all the time
  • You are able to take any necessary corrective action sooner rather than later
  • Supply financial institutions with up to date information to support loan applications
  • You get a regular update on your financial position rather than waiting until the end of the financial year

  • Easier cash flow management

  • No specialist knowledge required. We provide you with all training.

  • BAS are prepared and lodged by professionals.

  • We know how your business is going and can recommend tax strategies and forecast your tax.
AGS Bookkeeping is a Gold partner with Xero online accounting system designed for small to medium businesses and their advisors.

Through our service, we can guide you through the set up and roll out of Xero Cloud based accounting. This can efficiently save up to 80% of your time spent on complex administrative and compliance tasks.

Services click to expand

  • Weekly reconciliation and processing of bank accounts for all entities
  • Processing of all Xero data
  • Weekly processing of creditors through ReceiptBank
  • Monthly review of your accounts in Xero and adjustments where necessary
  • Monthly IAS lodgement for all entities
  • Monthly reconciliation of third party software to Xero for all entities
  • Xero phone and email support
  • Quarterly BAS preparation
  • Monthly visit to your office to attend to any bookkeeping matters circa 1 hour

  • Processing of Weekly Payroll
  • Recalculate all PAYG, Super, calculations done for you
  • Recalculate Employee Entitlements - Annual Leave, Personal Leave and Long Service Leave
  • Submit payroll details to the ATO via Single Touch Payroll (STP)
  • Monthly/Quarterly Superannuation reporting and payment facilitation.

  • Set-up of your company's Xero software.
  • Set-up of your company's invoice template.
  • Set up of payroll details.
  • Establishment of bank feeds.
  • Training session on how to use Xero at our office or virtual

  • Set-up of your company's Bank feeds.
  • Set-up of your company's invoice template.
  • Set up of payroll details.
  • Set-up of reporting.
  • Any other areas requested prior to meeting


Contact us today to get some time back in your life [email protected]

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