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Worked in the UK? Take action now on National Insurance to enhance your State Pension entitlements. Are You Eligible for a UK State Pension? If you’ve worked in the UK, you may qualify for a UK state pension even if you’re currently living abroad. The UK state pension is a valuable benefit, providing financial support […]

Important tax dates and obligations Q1 – FY 2025

Key tax & lodgement dates for the April to June quarter 2024 21 July Lodge and pay June 2024 monthly business activity statement. Lodge and pay quarter 4, 2023–24 PAYG instalment activity statement for head companies of consolidated groups. 28 July Lodge and pay quarter 4, 2023–24 activity statement if electing to receive and lodge […]

Why you should consider pre-planning your own funeral

At AGS, we believe an important part of your financial plan includes looking after the next generation. This involves both transferring wealth and minimizing the trauma and uncertainty experienced by your loved ones when it is time to say goodbye. While you may have thought about making a will and related estate planning matters, have […]

Quarterly economic update: April – June 2024

The economy continues to slow, with inflation remaining sticky, the new federal budget making waves, and global events that may have a significant impact. Despite investment returns for the financial year were very strong. Financial year 2023/24 2023-24 provided another year of strong returns for investors as shares were boosted by falling inflation, central banks […]

How much do you know about financial scams?

According to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), in 2022 financial scams cost Australians around $3 billion. Financial fraudsters deceive, manipulate and exploit victims into making financial transactions or investments, or sharing sensitive information for illegal profit, money laundering or even funding terrorism activities. There are well-organised cyber-crime “factories” working hard to exploit vulnerable […]

5 Step Super Health Check

Ensuring the health of your superannuation is paramount for securing your financial future. Just like an annual physical examination, conducting a regular “Super Health Check” can help you optimise your retirement savings and protect your financial well-being. By following these five simple steps, you can take control of your superannuation and ensure it aligns with […]

RBA Interest Rate Announcement 18th June 2024

At its meeting today, the Board decided to leave the cash rate target unchanged at 4.35 per cent and the interest rate paid on Exchange Settlement balances unchanged at 4.25 per cent. Inflation has fallen substantially since its peak in 2022, as higher interest rates have been working to bring aggregate demand and supply closer […]

Preparing for 30 June – Super Reminder

With the end of the financial year fast approaching, we’d like to remind you about some potential opportunities for super contributions. There are a number of strategies that may be of benefit in the lead up to 30 June: Personal deductible contributions: those looking to reduce their taxable income can consider a contribution to super […]

2024 Federal Budget

On Tuesday night, the Federal Government handed down an updated 2024-2025 Australian Federal Budget. This budget focused on cost of living pressures, with a number of announcements across energy bills, student debt, medicines, Social Security & Aged Care, and Business taxation. Please note that these proposals are not yet legislated, and as always, the team […]

RBA Interest Rate Announcement 7th May 2024

At its meeting today, the Board decided to leave the cash rate target unchanged at 4.35 per cent and the interest rate paid on Exchange Settlement balances unchanged at 4.25 per cent. Recent information indicates that inflation continues to moderate, but is declining more slowly than expected. The persistence of services inflation is a key […]

Important tax dates and obligations Q4 – FY 2024

Key tax & lodgement dates for the April to June quarter 2024 21 April Lodge and pay March 2023 monthly business activity statement 28 April Lodge and pay March 2024 activity statement if lodging by paper Pay March 2024 quarterly PAYG Instalment notice Make March 2024 quarterly superannuation contributions by this date 15 May Lodge […]

Quarterly economic update: Jan – Mar 2024

Share markets at home and abroad pushed to record highs in the first quarter of 2024, with the technology sector in particular driving this, with the prospects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) outweighing concerns over slower global economic activity. Economic data in the US was mixed, with low unemployment and the prospects of interest rate cuts […]

Superannuation for the suddenly single

Found yourself separated and suddenly single later in life? Life often has different plans for us than we may have imagined. Life after divorce (or separation) might bring with it a whole range of new things, including the need to rediscover yourself, dipping your toe back in the dating pool, and revisiting your plans for […]

Superannuation and tax thresholds 2024/25

Each year a number of superannuation thresholds are changed to reflect movements in full-time Average Weekly Ordinary Time Earnings (AWOTE). Please click here for our guide to useful rates and thresholds applicable for the 2024/25 financial year. Notable changes this July include: Increase to the Super Guarantee contribution rate to 11.5% Increase of the Concessional […]

Creating a life supported by investment income

Imagine that, without any effort on your part, enough money regularly pours into your bank account to meet (or exceed) all your living expenses. Suddenly, work becomes optional and a world of opportunities opens up. That’s the ultimate in passive income – all your financial needs met without lifting a finger. The fast way to […]

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