ATO & MyGov Scam Email Alerts

There has recently been a significant increase in scam emails purporting to be from either the ATO or from MyGov.

A lot of these emails are prompting taxpayers to click a link and provide personal information which can be used in identity fraud. Some of these include:

  • Notifying you that you have a tax refund due;
  • Notifying you that you have an overdue debt that is about to be sent to debt collectors or passed on for prosecution.

Please be advised that emails from the ATO will never include your personal information, nor ever prompt you to click to provide personal information – they will only ever be of an education or an information nature.

Emails from MyGov will never provide any content in them. They will only ever be notifications that you have received a message in your MyGov account. Don’t ever click on a link in an email, but navigate directly to the MyGov log-in page.

Published : 15 Jul 2019

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