How to make your term deposits work harder

Despite continued record low interest rates, there’s still a place for term deposits in an investment portfolio. This article discusses why TD's are still being used and offers a few tips for readers to get the most out of their term deposit.

In 2011, the average term deposit could earn you around 6 percent per annum. Since then, the times they have a-changed – and so have term deposit rates.

Since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) we remain a little nervous around risk, so despite average term deposit rates now being closer to 2.5 percent, they’re included in financial portfolios for the capital security and diversification they offer.

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) sets the cash rate via its monetary policy. The aim is to stimulate the economy by making savings accounts and term deposits unattractive and make borrowing cheap to encourage consumers to spend and businesses to invest.

Generally this kind of monetary policy only lasts a couple of years which is why so few economists foresaw the protracted period of low rates we are experiencing.

Term deposits can pay slightly higher rates depending on the length of the term. For example, investment over one year may attract 2.45 percent, while over two years the same investment may attract 2.5 percent.

Bonus saver accounts offer investors more attractive rates but you must read the fine print or better still, seek independent professional advice before committing. You could find that the ‘bonus’ may only apply for a short introductory period then revert to the standard cash rate, potentially lower than term deposit rates. In other cases, bonus rates are only paid if a regular monthly contribution is made to the savings account. Many people find these features work in their favour, but there can be traps for the unwary.

So if you’ve done your homework, and term deposits remain the most appropriate fixed interest investment for you, there are a few things you can do to maximise their potential.

Loyalty may get you nowhere
We Australians are a loyal bunch usually letting our insurance policies automatically renew each year – same with term deposits. At maturity time, there may be better rates available with another institution.

Eggs and baskets
Consider spreading your allocated funds across a variety of institutions with a staggered range of maturity dates. This might enable you to take advantage of better rates as your investments mature.

Interest payments
Many term deposits offer the earnings as a regular income, sometimes resulting in a lower interest rate. Consider reinvesting the interest for a higher rate, or, if you need some income, set up separate term deposits.

Set and forget
Term deposits are not everyday transaction accounts. While it’s possible to access money before the end of the term, it’s not advisable as heavy penalties apply, including fees and reduced interest rates.

Making term deposits easy
As with any financial decision, it’s important to seek advice from a licensed adviser to ensure you’re getting the best product and the best deal for you. AGS clients can benefit from a fantastic Term Deposit service that allows us to easily shop around for the best term deposit rates, from a large range of institutions, WITHOUT repeatedly asking you for identification or paperwork to move your money. This means you can relax, knowing you'll always be getting the best available rates, but without the hassle of visiting multiple bank branches. If you'd like to improve your Term Deposit arrangements, contact AGS Financial Group today.

Published : 14 Mar 2018

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