Thank you for using DocuSign
Thank you for completing your documentation using the DocuSign Electronic Signature process.
Once all required signatures are complete, you will receive your own electronic copy of the completed document to your email for your records. We also receive a copy and will continue on with our work for you.
AGS Financial Group has chosen DocuSign as it is the most widely used provider of electronic signature technology in the world for good reason.
Documents signed using DocuSign are legally binding for nearly every business and personal transaction. DocuSign offers eSignature methods that meet the legal standards set by governments around the world.
We’re all concerned about privacy and security. Through adopting the DocuSign system for our client signatures we ensure your documentation is protected and a secure audit trail is maintained.
It also allows for faster processing of your work by integrating with our systems, eliminating postage, scanning and data entry. Documents are actioned instantly for faster outcomes for all involved.
Convenience and peace of mind.
DocuSign is designed to be easy to use, but if you find yourself having any difficulties or have questions, please contact us here at AGS or visit the DocuSign Support Center for some frequently asked questions.