The Benefits of DocuSign

Many AGS clients will be familiar with our use of DocuSign digital signature technology over recent years.

DocuSign is a technology we adopted in May 2017 in order to provide fast, secure and convenient document signing to our clients.

Over the last 5 years, our usage has greatly increased, and more and more clients have become familiar and comfortable with DocuSign. Interestingly, many clients now express a preference for digital interactions of all sorts – such as web-based meetings over in-person, and likewise digital document signing over traditional print-and-post. DocuSign has also been a saviour through COVID, allowing us to continue with our work in a safe and efficient manner regardless of work-from-home and restrictions on meetings.

While we endeavour to be flexible and meet our clients’ needs and preferences wherever possible, the statistics show DocuSign is working as intended. We’re on track to deliver over 8,300 “digital envelopes” this year! We can only imagine how many physical pages of documents this has replaced.

We’re also proud of the environmental impact this is having. As you can see from the statistics below, the reductions in carbon emissions, water consumption, wood and waste are all significant (please excuse the use of imperial measurement units – DocuSign are a US company).

So, if you’re one of our many clients who has embraced DocuSign – thank you. If it’s maybe something that you’re yet to try, please give it a try next time the opportunity arises. The team at AGS will always be happy to help you through the process and like others, you’ll probably find it quite easy and efficient too.

Published : 10 Oct 2022

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